Deviation Dumping Ground #4

Latest stuff, still working on other things, namely the design of the title, but it will come eventually.

First post, I tried to do something different. It's slightly sexual for the character, but I like how it came out and it was generally well received on DeviantArt.

 Some guy on Pixiv, which is like a Japanese DeviantArt, gave it a 10/10 and bookmarked it, so I feel pretty accomplished :).

The next post is something I'm pretty proud of. It's not perfect, but I think I did a great job with it.

Ellie came out amazing, Mitsuru is good, but Masako bothers me a bit. Drawing her chin was a pain and she doesn't seem very consistent with my other drawings of her. I need to practice more with her.

All in all, good, good, good. I'm currently coloring it, and will update this post later on.



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