I'm Really Thinking About Giving Back to Society, and That's a First

Okay, it's been a month. If you're a frequent visitor to my blog, you would know what's in the works and to be honest it's not done yet. Two more pages are left and its' really sad considering it's only 10 pages (12 if I decide to make a cover and back page). But so far I've been pretty apathetic with it with college. But anyway, that is not the subject.

What I have been thinking about, if this comic thing works, is donating revenue made from this series to charities.

It's a thought that I've had for a few month when I was out for a run. I've been dorming in an urban environment for almost three years and I've seen my share of homelessness around town and throughout New York. Normally it would be a shock for most suburbanites considering my hometown never had a homeless problem, and I do find it humorous how city folk show the same apathy to homeless folk as I do to my comic short. But it a twisted way, that same apathy towards homeless folk is rubbing off me, and I really don't like it. It's a terrible, but why common folk ignore folks who beg for change at train stations and on the streets is because they really are as numerous and insatiable as pigeons.

It might sound like I'm being a self-righteous douchebag for "helping the poor folk" since my philosophy professor says that I and my associates are entitled shits, but having a comic character who has a homeless background (which I study a lot and come up with of ideas) really makes me think that it's THE thing to do with the series's revenue. Not the RIGHT thing to do, but a mandatory duty that should be accomplished, like the draft or paying one's taxes.

Personally, it's an idea that doesn't bother me, even though I really do love money (more so than black coffee). However, it's not entirely the only thing I want to do. There are other irritating social issues that I want to support that Monday's Forecast for Hareyakana-shi will kind of address. No promises if your favorite social issue makes it in. If things go my way, then hell I'll do this.

But please, no pat on the backs, or even worse, an obnoxious "good for you". These are just thoughts, and we all know how good I am with promises.


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