Been Busy Lately...

Howdy folks, I hope you've enjoyed your weekend shopping spree as I have. Yeah, yeah, I know I haven't posted any updates within the past two weeks, BUT I've been heavily invested in my school work (being a college student and all) as of late and have hardly the time to ensue the comic/manga's development. I've decided to give up on the weekly updates as the sporadic nature of my schedule permits an uneven distribution of time to produce sufficient results on a week-by-week basis. What I'm trying to say is that the comic/manga and the second short has been put on hold temporarily until the brunt of my work has been dealt with. Once the finals are over and winter break commences, I'll resume the manga's development!

I apologize for the lack of notice to those who actually give a damn and am eager to get back on track as soon as possible! Until we meet again...


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