Weekly Update

Howdy people! I hope you guys are as lost in life as I am, but thank the great white guy in the sky that Thanksgiving break is encroaching in like two weeks and there is so much materialism to indulge upon on this Black Friday (eyeing you Sunset Overdrive Xbox One Bundle w/ One-Year Live Membership at Gamestop).

Back on point, I think that I'm not adequately fulfilling the intentions I had for this blog as being the chronicle to my progress in becoming a comic/manga artist, so I decided to make it mandatory for me to write something on a weekly basis. This will at least give my blog some structure for the loonies who actually read the garbage I offer.

Anyway, here's what's happening. Get ready to sleep on this:


Regarding the script, still haven't finished it. I have the synopsis for each of the chapters and already figured out how the series would end, but have not fleshed out each of them into full-length chapters. I know I'm putting less effort into the script than I do drawing, but lethargy is a bitch. I may have a sliver of time to work on it this following Thursday though.

I plan on drawing the concept arts for recurring characters and antagonists eventually. Looking to having fun with that, but I may have to delay that a bit so I can go back and teach myself the basics of anatomy and proper proportions, which is something I struggle with and need to learn.

Here is a sketch I was working on earlier that I put off and had planned to finish sketching, ink, and then paint later on:

Shorts! Shorts, shorts, shorts. The reception to the short last week was pretty good I guess. On Inkblazers, about four people followed me following that short (one before I even uploaded anything, go figure) and one of them commented which was great! It also had like over a hundred views, and I ranked 457th as a member last week (897th last month) which I think is something to be sort of proud of.

If you guys are interested in what's to come for the next short, this one will be significantly longer than the last one, so it will take longer to make, but I guarantee that this one will be a little more better. Here are some sketches I did. (To zoom for both, right click and open link in new tab)


Anyway, I hope this was sufficient enough information. If anything of interest comes up, I'll post it as soon as possible, but other than that, I hope to write more next week.


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